After years of toiling in relative obscurity and near poverty, 72-year-old Tom Fugle's work is at last getting some recognition. Interviews and story crafted by Andrew Norton. Shot and directed by Scott Pommier. Selected as a Vimeo Staff Pick.
A short film about an accidental act of courage combining live-action interview tape and animation. Interviewed and story edited by Andrew Norton. Selected as a Vimeo Staff Pick.
The first instalment in the "This is Radio" series presented by Transom.org. The series is about the people behind great radio and podcasting. Directed, filmed and edited by Andrew Norton. Selected as a Vimeo Staff Pick. For more on the series, click here.
Part of the Photographer Series — a series of video profiles on iconic skateboard photographers. Produced, filmed and edited by Andrew Norton. Selected as a Vimeo Staff Pick. To see the full series, click here.
A 15-second pre-roll to promote NPR Music's Tiny Desk Concert Contest. Directed and edited by Andrew Norton. Illustrations by Drew Shannon.